The Performance Enablement Dichotomy

2022-11-11T15:34:45+00:00November 11th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

I believe that it is true to say that most people want to perform well at their job. At least they start out that way. I believe that it is also true to say that most of us in leadership positions want the people in our teams to perform well too. We want them to enjoy the work, the environment, the challenges and the successes. However, the data available on employee engagement


2021-03-11T15:34:58+00:00March 11th, 2021|Categories: Performance, Strategy, Uncategorized|

Every day of the week people sit over coffee and get genuinely excited about the prospects of this amazing new business idea they have just harvested in their mind. Starting up a business is bloody tough and it is the allure of doing really excellent work and contributing in some way to your industry, that continues to draw people in every day of the week. Well that and the possibility of making

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